The Developer Skill Mastery System

Learn faster, have a clear focus, understand the skills, become a better developer.

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  • Certificate of Conclusion
  • 29 available classes
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Too many things to learn?

As a software developer or a technical professional, I’m sure you are passionate about learning! This is a core tenet of our profession. 

Everyone seems to be learning all the time!

And enjoying it! 

Or… Maybe not?

Many developers tell me they feel overwhelmed by it. They struggle to keep up with technology, and get discouraged and feel they are behind their peers. 

Many competent developers like you are fast to say they love what they do, are good at it.  But they struggle with getting great results in their careers. 

But what gets me really sad is when I see amazing developers feeling they are not good enough…

Usually, this is because they get rejected on interviews, or don’t even get a response after applying for many jobs…

Those are pretty common symptoms….

If you feel like this, you are in the right place.

Hi, I’m Bruno Souza, and for the last 20+years, I have been helping developers like you to grow in their careers, and get amazing results and work on the coolest jobs in the industry. 

After helping developers move up in their careers, become consultants, Java Champions and Microsoft MVPs, open-source developers of top projects, international speakers, book authors, work on top companies everywhere, and much more…

I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to feel overwhelmed about all the things you need to learn. 

There is a way to learn and grow technically

There is a way to learn and grow technically, that will allow you to keep up to date. 


It will get you working on the BEST jobs.

  • Yep. You can work on amazing projects, with great teams.
  • Yes, you can take your career wherever you want.
  • You can stop feeling overwhelmed!

If you are feeling discouraged right now, you are not alone…

Every day I see very experienced developers and other technical people telling me that they can’t get a job, are rejected at interviews, sometimes don’t even get a response. 

And they feel bad because they don’t know this or that technology, and they think this is the reason they don’t get accepted. 

And they feel overwhelmed and outdated. Many times they are burned-out and have no time for their families…

But, every day, I see other developers being called for the most amazing opportunities. Sometimes, with way less experience. 

And companies tell me they are looking for people and can’t find them. 

Every day I see amazing opportunities that are not being offered for people looking for jobs!

Does that seem fair? 

Most competent developers don’t even know about those opportunities. 

They are missing out on the best projects… Because they feel they are not good enough and don’t understand how to get the best results.

But you know what amazes me? If you understand how to be up to date the right way, and how to get amazing jobs…
If you know how to learn the right way…
If you understand how the job market works…

You can take control of your career, and take it wherever YOU want it to go!

Many developers think they can’t get amazing jobs because they don’t know everything…

That’s what happened with a friend of mine. He was struggling to keep up to date. And then an opportunity showed up: an amazing job, all he ever dreamed of. But he could not take it, he didn’t have a basic skill needed! But… The company didn’t accept that, they wanted him no matter what. Therefore, they paid for his training and gave him the time to learn!

Many other developers think they are not good enough, and that it takes a long time to get the amazing jobs we want…

That’s how another friend was feeling… He had a crazy dream, that seemed impossible. He wanted to work for a game company. He had no experience with games, no way it would ever happen. And he would need to get a job in another country, something that he was clearly not good enough… For years he felt that was an impossible dream. But he decided to focus on this dream in the right way. In 30 days he had an offer to move to another country. A little later, he got an offer to work for a game company.

I see stories like those — of developers taking control of their careers — happening all the time.

And the real issue here is that developers like you don’t understand how it works, and try to learn and grow technically in very ineffective ways…

Many developers think that they have to study for many hours, and have to read lots of books and take certifications to grow. 

Developers get upset and anxious that they don’t know all the tools and technologies that people are talking at events and online.

And many think that they are underqualified for the jobs they see offered online. And they hear stories about how company Y or Z has this very strict hiring process…

And they feel bad about themselves and about the job they are working at, that doesn’t give them the opportunity to learn new things.

And you get stuck in trying to learn everything and keeping up to date, and when you are ready, there are even more things to learn, and it’s too late for you to get the amazing jobs!

And how can we even get out of this…

This is just the way our market works, right?

The meritocracy culture on the technology world paints this picture that the best win the best positions… 

And, that “best” are those that know everything…

But this is not even true… 

The reality is that the best jobs are not looking for an all-star-know-everything developer. 

They are looking for someone that can solve a real problem. 

A BIG problem!

That is an important question for you:
What problem do YOU solve?
How BIG is this problem?

Let me tell you a secret: writing lines of code in a particular programming language, is not a very compelling BIG problem…

What separates the top expert developers from the struggling ones is your FOCUS on solving BIG problems. 

And there is no better time than NOW to have a clear FOCUS!

NOW is the time to be amazing at solving BIG problems!

Think about it: 

  • software is eating the world: every company is a software company, and everyone needs great developers that can solve big problems;
  • the world is a village: the internet has made the world smaller, and you can meet and work with people from anywhere. You don’t have to limit yourself to your region or your city: the best projects are just an internet connection away!
  • open source fundamentally changed how we develop software, and how we hire people! The best developers in the world — and the best projects — are easily accessible and public. You can join the best TODAY.

There has never been a better time to be a software developer!

I know you think this is easier said than done… 

I’ve been there… 

As a consultant, and known as the “Brazilan Java Man”, everywhere I go, in every new customer, people have one of two expectations: 

Either that I know everything… 

Or that I don’t know anything, and I’m just a “marketing” guy, a “stage developer”. 

Having participated in some of the largest Java projects in the world, I think you will agree with me that none of those are true. 

But both expectations put on me the pressure that I indeed HAVE TO know everything! 

I have to prove myself time and time again… 

In the past, I constantly felt overwhelmed, with no time for anything, and constantly on the verge of burnout… 

I have the scars of not being with my family when they needed me…

I know the pain of not spending birthdays with my kids…

It still haunts me how much my wife felt alone and ignored while I was chasing the new shiny technology of the day…

And talking with many (many many!) developers and technical people like you, I noticed that this is a constant thread in our industry… 

That gets perpetuated all the time because the meritocracy dictates that only those that know everything are worth the job, the position, the respect.

But as a consultant, I realized something else… 

With all my studies, with all the things I HAD to know… 

When I really needed something and had to apply to a real project… 

I felt that I was learning it all over again! 

I would look to things that I had studied and… I didn’t remember it! 

For me, it seemed that I was doing the learning twice…

That’s when I started to experiment with learning processes and how to be more efficient. I had to understand how the brain works, and how to acquire skills.

And after many years, after working with many developers, and experimenting with many technologies, you know what I found out? 

It is not the learning that matters…

What matters are the SKILLS that you acquire!

And more: skills are not acquired by studying. We only get skills by doing it!

Once you learn how to acquire skills, how to solve BIG problems, how to focus on what matters, the whole desperation for knowing everything goes away. 

And you can really start to succeed!

This is where The Developer Learning System can really help you. Finding your focus and give you clarity on WHAT and HOW to learn.

This program will help you go after your biggest dreams!

You will understand how to grow your career and what the best developers do differently.

You will acquire the exact skills you need to grow, and apply them to your project today.

You will learn how to create unlimited growth, and how to forge your own path to success!

Let’s dive in and see how this program can help you?

Module 1: Find your Focus for Career Success

  • Are you lost in the many things to learn and study?
  • Do you get anxiety when you see all the things you don’t know?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed and not good enough?
  • Are you looking at job offers, and keep adding things to your “to learn” list, in hopes you can eventually land that amazing job?

Lack of focus is one of the biggest problems that prevent developers from growing…

An even bigger problem is the notion that “focus” is the technology you will study… 

Focus is NOT “java” or “kotlin”.
Focus is NOT “big data”, “cloud” or “data science”.

Focus is the BIG PROBLEM you solve.

Once you understand your focus, your doubts disappear.

You KNOW what technologies to study. What JOBs you want to work on. 

You have clarity on WHAT you need to do. You use your TIME to advance instead of just being busy.

How much can your career advance if you invest your time on what really matters?

On Module 1 you will;

  • Understand how to Learn New Technologies, so you can go deep on the things that matter to you.
  • Have a clear way to Find Your Focus, so you don’t have to guess how to do it!
  • Apply your Focus to Your Whole Life, and make it even more valuable.
  • You will define a Focus that is not Too Broad, nor Too Narrow.
  • And you will apply the 5 Orders of Ignorance, to eliminate the anxiety and help you become an amazing developer.

Once you have a clear FOCUS, it is time to get clear on where we want to get to, and making sure we reach it!

Module 2: Reach your Objectives by Getting Clarity

  • Do you start things and never finish, or you do many things at the same time, not sure what is best?
  • Do you feel like you are not going anywhere, or that your career improves (or fails) by chance and luck?
  • Do you get lost on what you will do today to advance to the next level?
  • Are you unhappy with your job, or how much money you make, or that your company doesn’t value you enough?
  • Do you lack the time to advance, and your company does not invest in you?

One big issue I see with developers is that we start very strong in the beginning of our careers… 

The first few years are easy!

In the beginning, we don’t need to do much: every little thing we do or learn, we improve and grow. 

But after the first few years…
This stops being true.

What got us here, won’t take us there!

And we need to do things — different things — to keep growing.

When we don’t have clarity on our goals and dreams, we are like a leaf blown by the wind. Things just happen, and we don’t really know why or how to replicate.

We grow, but because it is easy, we lack the skills that make us continue to grow!

That does not matter in the early years, but it is not enough to get us where we really want.

But once you have clarity on your goals, you know what you need to do. 

You finish things because they are important — or you let them go because they are not. 

You will have a plan and won’t depend on luck to get where you want. 

With clarity, there are no more reasons to complain about our company or project: we know what we can do where we are, so we can get to where we want to be.

On Module 2, you will create your of Clear Objectives.

  • You will discover What is Your REAL Dream, and how to achieve it.
  • During this module, you will Go Deep into Your Goals, get clarity and understanding.
  • And finally, you will Turn Your Dreams into SMART Goals, so you can have a plan that you can apply to your life.

Module 2 will help you understand what Career Success really means, and how to go after it in a consistent way.

And this is just the beginning… Now that you have clarity, we can focus on getting the right skills. That’s Module 3.

Module 3: Get the Right Skills Through Practice

  • Are you overwhelmed with learning?
  • Do you feel you know a little of many things, but not deep enough to make a difference or to get a good job?
  • Are you studying many hours every day or week to catch up, and still feel behind?
  • Do you worry that you don’t know enough to get great jobs?

You are not alone… Developers are passionate about learning and go to great lengths to learn everything they can.


Learning is not — or should not — be the goal. 

The thing that really matters, that differentiates the expert from the novice, the thing that even changes — physically — your brain is:


Do you want to work in the best jobs? Become an expert able to solve BIG problems?

You need to acquire and build skills.

Module 3 will show you how to acquire the necessary skills to become a great developer. 

Once you practice the right way, your career can blossom and go to where you want.

You will stop feeling overwhelmed and will go deep on the things that make a real difference. 

You will stop wasting time studying with no results. 

You won’t feel behind anymore and you will solve big problems that can get you amazing jobs.

Module 3 will go deep into skills. 

  • You will understand the difference between Knowledge and Skills, so you don’t fall into this trap again.
  • You start Practicing correctly and deliberately.
  • You will stop feeling bad and will Become Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, so you can go deep where it matters.
  • You will apply important Productivity Hacks that will get you practicing better to acquire skills faster.

By the end of Module 3, you will feel confident to apply for the jobs you deserve.

Now that you have your focus, you are going after your dreams and have the skills to get there, it’s time to think about your career.

With Module 4 you will Take Control of Your Own Career.

Developers grow fast at the beginning of their careers, but quite frequently they get stuck in a plateau.

They stop growing.

A plateau is a good place. We know what we are doing. We understand the technologies and challenges. We make good money.

It’s comfortable.

Too comfortable…

And then… When we least expect… We are stuck.

And we may be stuck for many months and even many years. With no way to grow and no path forward…

But it does not have to be like this. 

There is a skill that you can apply to always get your career growing again.

And once you acquire that skill in Module 4, you will be the one to decide when it is time to be comfortable, and when it is time to move up. 

Module 4 will give you the tools and skills to take control of your career. 

  • You will understand the 6 Steps You can take to put Your Career on Track.
  • You will acquire the ONE Skill that gets Your Career always Moving Forward.
  • And you will apply a strong Positive Feedback Loop, which will spiral your career to the stratosphere.

Bonus: The Best Developer Job Ever

To help you get the best jobs you deserve, this book will teach you the 5 steps to get the best jobs in the industry.

Get your strengths and weaknesses aligned to position you for the right positions.

Learn the truth behind job posts and job interviews. 

Stop chasing after jobs that are not for you, and attract to you amazing positions with no competition.

Joining The Developer Learning System is ZERO RISK for you.

If you join the program, and it does not give you amazing results, no problem!

I’ll give you a NO RISKS, 21 days warranty. I want you to be on the top of your game, to have amazing results. If I can’t help you, just let me know, and I’ll return your money, no questions asked.

And you can keep the Best Developer Job Ever book, as my gift for trying out the program.

I do this because I understand that feeling stuck and overwhelmed is a heavyweight on your shoulders… 

You can continue on this path, trying to learn everything and keeping up to date the wrong way…
And you can keep dreaming of amazing jobs that one day you will be good enough to apply for…
You can feel bad because you send resumes and apply online for dream jobs and never get called for interviews…
And feel even worse because you do go to interviews that you never pass the crazy questions and whiteboard coding…


You can join me on The Developer Learning System, where you will understand how learning really works, how to invest your time on the right things, and how to get amazing jobs!

You can do this alone, with no clear path…

Or you can do this with my help and we’ll do this together, and I’ll help you achieve your biggest dreams!

I’m committed. And you?

Course Content:

  • 3 Things On How To Keep Up With Tech
Module 1
  • Focus
  • Learning new technologies
  • Find your focus
  • Your whole life needs focus
  • Is my focus too narrow?
  • Bonus: Am I focusing on the wrong thing
  • Bonus: 5 Orders of Ignorance
Module 2
  • Importance of Objectives
  • What is your dream
  • Going deep into your goals
  • Turning dreams into SMART goals
  • Bonus: What career success means
  • Bonus: My Company Culture vs My Career
  • Bonus: Best Year Planning Class
Module 3
  • Skills
  • Knowledge vs Skills
  • You need to practice
  • Be comfortable being uncomfortable
  • Productivity Hacks
  • Bonus: Confidence to apply for jobs
  • Bonus: Dangers of being a perfectionist
Module 4
  • Career
  • 6 steps to put your career on track
  • The positive feedback loop
  • Share what you know
  • Bonus: Leader vs Boss
  • Bonus: Should I leave my company
  • Bonus: I don’t believe in my project


Bruno Souza
Bruno Souza
